The Panasonic WJ-FS309 digital duplex monochrome
9-channel multiplexer incorporates high performance, multifunction operation
that allows for outstanding flexibility. Digital image processing provides a
high picture quality of 720 x 480 pixels, along with multiple functions such as
multiscreen monitoring, multiplex recording alarm capability, video loss
detector, title display, still, and electronic zoom.
Digital duplex
High picture
quality of 720 x 480 pixels
video signals are supplied to the recording out
Playback image
can be displayed in the multi or full screen via monitor output
The full
screen image can be zoomed in two (2) times for playback
Sequence mode
up to 9 steps with dwell times
alarm capability
alphanumeric title display
setup menu
1H (height)
compact design
"B" stock category item, with 90 days full warranty.

For more information and technical
specifications - CLICK HERE